Bahama Breeze – Cherry Hill, NJ.
Bahama Breeze
Bahama Breeze exterior full re-paint
Retail Store Painting has painted literally thousands of restaurants across the country. Below is a Bahama breeze that we just completed in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. This location was a complete exterior painting, and partial interior painting we started out with lots of prep work. We pressure washed entire exterior of building, then did wood replacement on all damaged and rotted wood. (approximately 400 linear feet ). all cracks, holes, and imperfections were then filled using wood filler, and caulking. all new wood, and bare wood areas were primed. Then entire exterior was re-painted by spray, brush, and roll. This painting project was a complete color change and the general manager was very pleased with our work and with our professional employees. We did not disrupt business, and did not interfere with any customers. Some of the painting, and pressure washing had to be done before the restaurant opened and the interior painting was done after hours.