Maintenance Painting Programs
- Canopy Painting
- School Painting
Maintenance Painting Programs
Maintenance painting programs keep your property looking great. Nothing reinforces the feeling around making the right choice than entering a freshly painted business, hotel, corporate office, hospital, even industrial facilities get more attention when they are well maintained. Protect your investment and elevate your image by keeping interior and exterior surfaces looking fresh.
Retail Store Painting offers maintenance painting programs that provide paint touch-up visits by our experts for on-call and regularly scheduled intervals. This service includes a fresh supply of color matched materials to assure continuity in every area inside or out. With quiet discretion our professional painters post a wet paint sign and quietly move throughout the designated areas completing the touch-ups that need to be done. With our regular interval program it can happen automatically. (We will always call to confirm your maintenance painting needs)
Maintenance Painting Programs include, but are not limited to:
- Common Office Support Areas
- Routine Touch-up Maintenance
- Apartments & Condos
- Health Care Facilities
- Industrial & Commercial Painting
- Plant Facilities and Maintenance Services
- Government & Municipal Contracts
- Retail Stores, Shopping Centers, & Malls
- Healthcare Facilities
- Warehouses
Our Maintenance Painting Programs Include:
- Monthly Maintenance Program– after completing the project in full we will send an inspector out to review and provide a proposal of any work to be performed or areas that may need attention from our professional painters. You may also prefer to have a set scheduled monthly visit by a crew of two professional painters to perform any maintenance touch-ups as needed. This option is perfect for apartment complexes and manufacturing plants, which have very high traffic and require constant painting maintenance to stay looking their best.
- Yearly Maintenance Program – Every year after completing the project in full we can send a crew out to review the site and provide any work that needs to be performed on areas that may need attention from our professional painters.
- Scheduled Maintenance Program – After a determined amount of time set by both parties after completing the project in full, We will send a crew out to review and provide painting services on any areas that may need attention from our professional painters. These areas can be predetermined or change from one visit to the next.