McDonald’s Restaurant Painting, NY.

McDonald’s restaurant painting

McDonald's Restaurant Painting McDonald's restaurant painting RSP McDonalds restaurant painting IMG_1625 IMG_1626


McDonald’s restaurant painting

When it comes to painting McDonald’s restaurants, there are no other painting contractors that can even come close to Retail Store Painting. We have been painting McDonald’s restaurants since 1999, and we have painted literally thousands of locations across the country. We have done large projects for McDonald’s corporate direct, as well as projects for private owners ranging from 1 location to dozens of locations.  We first started painting the exteriors of the buildings when corporate decided to change from plain brick to the red, white, and yellow color combination. Since then we have seen hundreds of different approved color schemes. And many of the original buildings were leveled and new more modern structures built in their place. If you are a McDonald’s owner / operator and you are looking for a professional painting company to change your restaurant to the most current color schemes, or to repaint your faded roof, or just to refresh your current colors please contact us for a free estimate.


1999 through current
Services Provided

Metal Roof Painting

Exterior Painting

Restaurant painting

Road / highway  sign painting

Parking lot Striping