Burger King, KY.
Retail Store Painting completed another Burger King exterior painting project in Kentucky. We pressure washed entire peeling metal roof to remove all dirt, and loose paint. We Hand scraped to remove any existing loose paint that pressure washing did not remove. We then applied DTM bonding primer to all bare metal. We then top coated metal roofing, and facia with 2 coats of DTM acrylic paint ( enviro tint was used to reduce fading ) This roof was a complete color change. It came out perfect, and the owner was extremely happy.
Retail Store Painting LLC. has been painting restaurants since 1999. We have painted literally thousands of restaurants across the country. Our first 3 years in business 1999, 2000, and 2001, we did not paint anything but fast food restaurants.
Some services we provide to restaurants:
- Pressure washing buildings, roofs, and sidewalks, / De-greasing drive thru pads
- Parking lot painting / Curb Painting
- light pole painting
- Road sign painting / highway sign painting
- Interior painting
- Exterior painting
- Roof coatings
- Waterproof coatings
- Tuck pointing
- Minor wood and masonry repairs