Warehouse Painters Coca Cola / Providence RI.
Warehouse painters
Warehouse Painting Contractors / Retail Store Painting LLC.
Warehouse painting, is a specialty of Retail Store Painting LLC. We have painted many warehouses across the country for Coca Cola, and many other clients. Some locations were / New York / Florida / New Jersey / Kansas / Missouri / Texas / and more. This warehouse painting project was in Providence, Rhode Island. This Coca Cola building was faded and very chalky. Our pressure washing crew spent 4 days washing every inch of the building.
Before R.S.P.’s warehouse painters paints anything, We make sure the surface being painted is free of oxidation, dirt, grease, etc. Prep is the most important part of a successful painting job. The paint will be only as good as the surface it is adhered to. Next we ground down all rust, and primed it with a product called MacroPoxy. Sherwin Williams carries this product, and even though its primary use isn’t a rust primer we found that it keeps rust from coming back through the best. All the exterior metal walls were painted by spray with DTM. DTM stands for direct to metal, so no primer is needed when painting over clean non rusted metal. We painted the man doors on this building. We painted all the yellow bollards, and all the exterior trim. (also with DTM 100 % acrylic paint. When Retail Store Painting sends out their warehouse painters you are guaranteed to get a high quality job at a very competitive price.
Warehouse Painters / Retail Store Painting LLC.
Retail Store Painting LLC. has the experience and the know how to complete your project. We will be on time and on budget. We have trained crews of warehouse painters that take pride in their company, and in their work. Please check out our website at RetailStorePainting.com for pictures, testimonials, and for a free estimate anywhere in the U.S.