Light Pole Painting / Princeton, NJ.
Light Pole Painting services
Light Pole Painting Services
Light Pole Painting – Retail Store Painting LLC. provides all types of parking lot services. We can / refinish your light poles / road signs / and highway signs of any size or height. We can lineStripe your parking lot / paint your curbs / repaint the exterior of your building / and make your property always look its best with maintenance services. / Pictured in this page is a light pole painting project in Princeton, NJ. where we painted over 300 light poles, and decorative poles throughout the property. We sanded all the rust areas and applied a rust inhibitive primer. We then applied 2 coats of Sherwin Williams DTM (direct to metal ) 100% acrylic paint to all the light poles. To reach all sides of the poles we used 40 ft arial boom lifts. Please call us for a free estimate at 1-800-538-6723. You can also check out our full website at