Antimicrobial Painting Contractors | 1-800-538-6723 | RSP Painting
- Hallways
Antimicrobial Painting Contractors
RSP makes it their business to stay up to date on the most current products available by the top paint manufacturers. When we see a product that will help a specific client sector we try to pass the information on to that client. We also like to try the product and make our own decision on the products performance. Usability, price, and coverage, are some key factors we consider before recommending it to someone else. Retail Store Painting is a commercial painting contractor that services all 50 states. Some types of our clients that would use this product would be / hospitals / labs / schools / restaurants / nursing homes / offices / and more.
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- Restroom Painting
- Office painting
- Common Areas
Antimicrobial Painting Contractors
In October 2015 Sherwin Williams announced that they had developed a product that not only prevents organisms from corroding the paint, it actually kills 99.9% of the infectious bacteria that comes in contact with the painted surface.
There are a number of products on the market that claim to be antimicrobial paint because they have an additive that prevents organisms from corroding the paint and breaking down the surface. These products cannot kill the bacteria on the surface and reduce it’s spreading to others who come in contact with the area. Sherwin Williams newest product does exactly that.
- Offices
- University painting
Articles from Fox News / USA Today / FORTUNE / IP Watchdog / and from so many others rave about the innovation of this new product. Paint Shield is initially targeting the health industry, hospitals specifically, but Retail Store Painting is a national painting company that sees so many other facilities that would also benefit from this product. We are reaching out to everyone who should use it. It will surely make a huge impact on the reduction of cross contamination in a variety of settings. It really is as simple as caring enough to paint with the right product.
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