Retail Store Painting is a Commercial, and Industrial painting company that services all 50 states. We have been in business since 1999. Due to our growth rate from year to year we are always looking for experienced painters, and supervisors to join our team. We travel the entire country and provide painting services to many national accounts, restaurants, banks, stores, schools, shopping centers, high rise buildings, and much more.  If you are a self motivated person that would like to make a professional career out of painting please give Retail Store Painting a call, or fill out our employee application at  We are always looking for painters that can spray, operate arial lifts, supervise other employees, and add any other skills to our company.  Pay is based on experience, and traveling up to 2 weeks is a must, a valid drivers license is not a must but is definitely a plus. We pay all of our employees on the books and payday is every Friday   Commercial Painting Jobs are easy to find, but to find a company that is busy all year, pays good rates based on experience, supplies transportation, hotels, and bonuses on a regular basis is a rare thing. RSP has original employees that started with the company back in 1999 and are still employed here.

Send your Commercial Painting Jobs response to:   Phone # (570) 575-7569