Home Depot – Newton NJ

Commercial Building Painting

Commercial Building Painting

Retail Store Painting LLC. is a National Painting company that specializes in commercial painting and industrial painting. We use all in house trained employees and we never use sub contractors. Some of the services we provide to clients in all 50 states are / Interior painting / exterior painting / pressure washing / parking lot striping / epoxy floor painting / waterproofing / sandblasting / soda blasting / high rise painting / swing stage work / seal coating / and much more.


Commercial Building Painting

The project pictured above is a Home Depot painting project we completed in Newton, NJ. Retail Store Painting LLC. pressure washed the entire exterior of the building. We then primed and painted the contractor canopy ceiling. This was primed with an oil based primer to cover the rusted areas and then was top coated with two coats of latex paint. columns were painted as well as the entire exterior walls, these were all  painted with behr paint products that were specified by The Home Depot. Retail Store Painting LLC. has crews that are trained in all phases of painting and customer service. please call us for a Free Estimate at 1-800-538-6723 or check out our full website at RetailStorePainting.com.


Home Depot
Services Provided

Pressure Washing

Commercial Painting

Ceiling Painting

Exterior Painting