Stanwix Parking Garage. Pittsburgh, PA
- Parking Garage Painting
- Masonry Repairs
- Parking Garage Painting
- Industrial painting
On this parking garage project we are repairing all of the concrete and painting the exterior of the garage.
We start by saw cutting around all the damaged and spalling concrete to isolate the damaged area. After all of the saw cuts are made we use air compressed chipping hammers to chip out the entire saw cut area so that the entire patch is a minimum of 3/4 of an inch deep. We pressure wash all of the patches to remove any dust, dirt, and to clean the patches to insure proper adhesion. We then attach wooden forms to the surface of the wall this will hold in the concrete. after every patch is formed we then fill all the forms with concrete mix. lastly when all the concrete is cured we remove the forms and apply a concrete waterproofing paint coating to all the exterior walls. This project is in Pittsburgh PA. and is a ten story garage that we are accessing using swing stage scaffolding. RSP specializes in all types of commercial painting. We use swing stage and can access buildings of any size and height.